Front Row CES

Front Row CES Speaker Training

by Front Row CES

Become a First Class Speaker

Develop your speaking talent to win the crowd, increase your sales, and get more referrals!

Public Speaking is the #1 Fastest Way

to Grow Your Business!

Speaking in front of groups, office meetings, and from stage will get your message and products in front of the people that need your services and can refer you to others.

Istvan Zsako

Istvan Zsako is a passionate husband, entrepreneur, speaker, business coach and consultant, and author who enjoys helping others discover their dreams and equipping them with the skills they need to make them become reality. He has a deep passion for helping small business owners build companies that can provide for the business owners, their families, employees, clients, and the communities they serve. His business experience comes from many years of soul searching to building a successful seven-figure company. Istvan is passionate about sharing his story with others to empower them to break free from what is holding them back and create the life they have always dreamed of living.

Be a First Class Speaker

Becoming a First Class Speaker involves developing your communication skill, having the ability to engage with others, and captivate an audience. When you are delivering your message with confidence and clarity, you can make a greater impact on the audience you are speaking to. First Class Speakers use their voice, body language, and expressions to connect and effectively share their message. Continuously focused on personal development, having the ability to adapt to different audiences, and mastering the art of persuasion are key aspects of being a first-class speaker that will get you more referrals leading to more sales.

This training includes:

Everything you will need to know about preparing for an event, taking the stage, and winning the audience!

  • Using the stage to tell your story

  • Controlling the room before you say a word

  • Be confident and professional on any stage

  • Using your voice to draw the audience in

  • Move with purpose that engages the audience

  • Preparing your speech for an event

  • Using humor or emotions to connect

  • Creating your Power Point Presentation slides

  • 1-on-1 Live Coaching on Stage

Become a First Class Speaker and leave your audience wanting more!!!

We are currently building an online training resource!

If you would like to be notified when the training is available,

you can enter your email address below.

What is everyone saying about Istvan and Kevin?

"Istvan has great energy and presentation skills, made the time go by fast..." Arny K.

"Istvan is an accomplished trainer as well as an excellent speaker! Awesome Class! I learned so much! Thank you." Julie M.

"Istvan kept us engaged and did an excellent job of keeping the training flowing while keeping us entertained with the information." Melanie B.

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First Class Speaker

by Front Row CES




2730 San Pedro Dr NE Suite E

Albuquerque, NM 87110

(505) 295-4100